
Russ’s Newlsetter: Special Holiday Edition — Finders Keepers + Milo on Sale!!!!!!!

Hi Gang-

With December underway, Finders Keepers publisher Rich Koslowski and I have kicked off a festive holiday sale for you that I think you’re really going to enjoy — for both you and the kiddies!

So ….. with some ho-ho-ho and a plate full of latkes, here goes:
For the month of December, you can get your signed, personalized copy of Finders Keepers for just $10! That’s right, just ten bucks.

And there’s more!

For an additional $5 each you can get a copy of Milo’s Friends in the Dark and Milo’s Trip to the Museum with Grandpa, two terrific children’s books illustrated by Rich Koslowski himself.

In fact, my baby girl Abby absolutely LOVES the Milo books, so much so that every time I read them to her — and show her the pictures — she laughs and smiles and we have a grand ole time.
And as always, there’s free shipping in the U.S. on all books ordered through Rich Koslowski.

If you want to learn more about these great holiday deals for you and the kiddies, here’s a link from Rich talking more about the sale and how you can order your books for the holidays:

We hope you enjoy the goodies …
Happy shopping.

Russ Colchamiro
Author of Finders Keepers, published by 3 Finger Prints
@findkeepnovel (Twitter)
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To read the Finders Keepers prologue, free:
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Russ’s Newsletter: Vol. 4, Issue 10: Finders Keepers Goes e-book! + Holiday Contest!

Hi Gang-
Last week Liz and I celebrated our very first Thanksgiving with Nate and Abby in tow, and it was a smashing success. Nate had his eyes on my pecan pie and Abby looked pretty interested in cranberry sauce, but in the end they settled for Thanksgiving formula (that’s regular baby formula served on Thanksgiving).
Now … in the spirit of the holiday season, here’s the latest on Finders Keepers:
* First off … Finders Keepers is now an e-book! That’s right. I’ve gone techno, baby! For all you Kindle-type readers, Finders Keepers is now available for download through the gang at DriveThru Comics … no matter what e-reader you use. And because there’s no printing or shipping charges, it’s only $4.99!
Whether you have a Kindle, iPad or any other device that reads e-books, Finders Keepers is just a click away! That’s right. We serve ’em all! To order your e-book version of Finders Keepers, click here:
* Speaking of the holidays … what better time to get a FREE, SIGNED copy of Finders Keepers? That’s right. It’s contest time! For the month of December only, you have the chance for a free, personalized copy of Finders Keepers, plus other goodies. To join the fun, click here:
* And for this week’s shout out, I did a guest blog exchange with fellow sci-fi writer and all around nice guy Mark Oetjens. On my site, he wrote about his Star Wars addiction ( and I wrote on his site about how Finders Keepers ties into H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine and an episode of The Big Bang Theory (
As for my best dog Simon, he’s healing quite nicely. We had his leg scanned a few weeks ago and the surgeon said he’s looking great. Will probably be another few more weeks still until he’s back to full Simon mode, but his tail-wagging mojo is back in force, he’s eating up a storm and he’s just dying to get out there and chase some squirrels. We’re hoping that by the New Year Simon will be 100 percent.
That’s all she wrote for this time around. I’ll be back before year’s end with some final holiday wishes and what’s in store for 2011.
@findkeepnovel (on Twitter)
Follow me on Facebook
To see my video interview at the NY Comic-Con:
To read the Finders Keepers prologue, free:
To buy Finders Keepers:
To buy the Finders Keepers e-book:

Russ’s Newsletter: Vol. 4, Issue 9 – Finders Keepers Goes International!

Hey Gang-
As the holiday season gets underway — with a gobble gobble here and some presents presents there — there’s just loads to report about Finders Keepers, so, as my hero Jackie Gleason used to say, and awaaaay we go …
* Finders Keepers launched at the NY Comic-Con just last month and the buzz keeps on building. In just the last week or so I’ve even gotten a half dozen orders from overseas buyers. That’s right. Finders Keepers has gone International baby! Copies have gone out to Canada, England and New Zealand, and who knows what’s next?
We’re still working out a few kinks in the system, but for anybody from across the pond who wants a copy, email me direct and we’ll make sure we get one in your hands. Signed by yours truly! Gotta love PayPal.
And for all you homegrown (or even imported) Americans, you can order your signed, personalized copy by visiting and clicking the “Buy Finders Keepers” tab.
* Next up on the Finders Keepers tour is PhilCon. It’s a funky little science fiction convention outside of Philadelphia, Saturday, Nov. 20. So if anybody is in the Cherry Hill, NJ, area this weekend, come on by! I’ll be there with fellow writer (and Finders Keepers endorser James Chambers) meeting new fans and signing copies.
* And what’s up with the electronic version of Finders Keepers? Well … I have an official e-book contract! Woo Hoo! If all goes well, Finders Keepers should be available as an e-book before the cranberry sauce even hits the turkey table. Talk about some sweet pumpkin pie! Stay tuned. Coming any day now …
* Of course, for anybody who wants a sneak peak at Finders Keepers, the prologue is available — FREE! — by clicking here:
* And to see my video interview at the NY Comic-Con, click here:
* And for this edition’s shout out, fellow sci-fi writer Cathryn Isakson generously asked me to do a guest sci-fi blog on her site. That’s right! To read about how I mixed sci-fi elements in Finders Keepers with the modern day world, click here:
Okay. That’s all she wrote for this edition. But I’ll be back soon with updates, including the status of the Finders Keepers e-book, plus another guest blog I did and Finders Keepers contests that will be coming your way soon.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
@findkeepnovel (Twitter)
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Russ’s Newsletter: Vol. 4, Issue 8 – Finders Keepers Sneak Peak + Video Interview!

Hey Gang-
Holy Bucket of Candy, Batman, it’s November already! My little man Nate dressed up on his first Halloween as a penguin and my best girl Abby went as a piglet. And with the changing of the leaves comes the sweet smell of … Finders Keepers, baby!
My humorous science fiction novel, which clocks in at a speedy 301 pages, is selling, selling, selling and getting killer reviews. But more on that in a minute, as I have a few pretty sweet surprises for you as the holiday shopping season gets under way (hint-hint):
* If you click the link below, it will take you to an awesome video interview with yours truly, talking about Finders Keepers! The boys at the Syzygy Network, a funky new sci-fi channel, stopped by my booth at the 2010 NY Comic-Con and we just chatted away about my book. So … if you want to see me in action … and get to know how Finders Keepers came together … just click this link and you’ll get the whole story:
* Okay, so … you’ve been hearing all about Finders Keepers for quite a while. Anybody want a sneak peak? FREE? Well, guess what? Now you can! For a look at the opening chapter of Finders Keepers, click here, and you’ll know — without any doubts whatsoever — what kind of fun-filled, cosmic romp you’re in for:
* And there’s more! Buying your personalized copy of Finders Keepers, signed by me, is easier than ever! There’s now a “Buy Finders Keepers” button under the Main Menu on the left hand side of my web site. I’ll sign each book, made out to you. Just visit my site, click the “Buy Finders Keepers” button, and buy away! With free shipping in the U.S.!
* Wait! But there’s more. In just a few weeks I’ll be attending PhilCon, a low-key, but quality science fiction convention outside of Philadelphia, the weekend of November 20. I’ll be there with good buddy and fellow writer (and Finders Keepers endorser) Jim Chambers, where I’ll be meeting new fans and signing copies. So if anybody’s in the Philly area that Saturday, let me know and I’ll see you there.
* In other news, my best dog Simon is on the mend after a run-in with a car. He still favors that busted back leg (fair enough), but he’s putting pressure on it more and more and getting around pretty darn well, all things considered. Simon has since accepted, although reluctantly so, that a 4,000-lb. automobile has a bit more heft than he does, but that hasn’t deterred his awesome, goofy spirit. Although he’ll be kept in close quarters for about 6 more weeks, his mojo is zooming back toward full Simon mode every day.
* And for this issue’s shout-out, HUGE HUGE props to go Finders Keepers Webmaster Ron Benchetrit, one of the unsung heroes of the team. He designed and maintained my old web site, did the same for the new site, and keeps my online operations in good shape. If not for Ron, I’d be sending out updates via smoke signal! So to Ron … Thanks!
OK, folks. That’s all she wrote for this addition. I’ll be back in a few weeks with more updates about Finders Keepers, Simon, Nate and Abby and my next book, Crossline, which, believe it or not, is shaping up nicely.
@findkeepnovel (Twitter)
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Russ’ Newsletter: Vol. 4, Issue 7 – FINDERS KEEPERS Goes on Sale!

Hey Gang-
What an amazing month this has been. Abby and Nate are just absolutely great — being a dad is a trip! — so that alone is a show stopper. And Liz is such a great mom it’s easy to see that our little ones are gonna have her generous spirit.
Simon, however, has had a rough go of it. He decided to go mano y mano with a car last weekend and, well … him being a dog and the car being well … a car, Simon now has a busted back leg and looks like Frankenstein’s best friend he’s got so many staples in him! Still, docs say he’ll be a-ok in about two months, back outside chasing squirrels and being his normal tail-wagging funster that he is.
And now for the big big BIG news … FINDERS KEEPERS is finally FOR SALE! That’s right, baby! FINDERS KEEPERS is. For. Sale.
With publisher and cover artist Rich Koslowski with me at the 3 Finger Prints booth, we launched Finders Keepers last weekend at the NY Comic-Con. And in just the first week alone we moved almost 75 copies. They’re flying off the shelf!
So get yours while we still got ’em! To order your copies, purchase them online through the 3 Finger Prints website at, with FREE SHIPPING in the U.S.
And just how good is FINDERS KEEPERS? Well, don’t take my word for it. The reviews are in! Here’s what they’re saying:
“Russ Colchamiro created a witty, edgy, funny, and adventurous world filled with action, romance and inspiration! Finders Keepers is a great reminder to live life to the fullest !”

— Rob Magnotti, Comedian, Late Show with David Letterman
“In Finders Keepers Russ Colchamiro invites the reader on an exciting and truly mad cap journey. Fantasia in print!”
— Thomas O’Callaghan, international best-selling author of Bone Thief and The Screaming Room
“An unpredictable tale of cosmic mayhem, fascinating characters, and universal secrets. Finders Keepers proves Colchamiro is a true original.”
— James Chambers,author of Resurrection House and The Midnight Hour
You can also follow my Finder Keepers updates on Facebook, and now I’m a Twittering dude, so if you are so inclined, follow me at @FindKeepNovel.
Huge thanks go out to partner-in-crime Rich Koslowski for having so much confidence in Finders Keepers that he actually published the darn thing — and did the most awesome cover art. Another shout out goes to my man Tony Krebs who handled the printing and made sure we had copies on time for the NY Comic-Con.
So how’s that for a book launch? Pretty good, huh?
There’s actually loads more to announce, but I can’t give you everything at once, can I? Well, I can … but I won’t! LOL!
I’m holding off on announcing more groovy news until next time, so until then, buy your copies of Finders Keepers at and pick up a few extra copies for your friends, family and the guy down the street!
My only request is this: If you like Finders Keepers, tell everyone you know. If you don’t … lie, and tell everyone it was great anyway!
Looking forward to everybody’s feedback. Big things are coming …
Russ (3 Finger Prints)
@FindKeepNovel (Twitter)
Finders Keepers (Facebook)

Russ’ Newsletter: Vol. 4, Issue 5: FINDERS KEEPERS Q&A Special Edition!

Hey Gang-
Man oh man has it been one crazy summer! There’s just tons to share — including that my twins are due to make their illustrious entrance in less than two weeks! But for this very special newsletter edition, here’s a Q&A about Finders Keepers, which will be available before you know it.
So here goes …
Q: Russ, you’ve been working on Finders Keepers for quite some time. How does it feel to have a book deal?
Russ: It’s great. Really. Been a long time coming. I’m very excited.
Q: Who is going to publish Finders Keepers?
Russ: 3 Finger Prints, which is owned and operated by Rich Koslowski (, an award-winning comic book artist and writer. His impressive collection of work includes his absolutely hilarious, must-read comic-book series The 3 Geeks; award-winning docu-style Three Fingers; Elvis-themed The King; Santa Clause-meets-Die Hard romp, The List; and his newest book he illustrated, the blues themed BB Wolf and 3 L.P.’s, which is a re-imagining of the classic tale, and has been getting rave reviews. He is also a regular contributor to Archie comics, and is a licensed artist for Family Guy and The Simpsons.
Rich is a regular on the comic-book convention circuit, and publishes some of his work under his own banner, 3 Finger Prints which will be the publisher of Finders Keepers. This is his first publishing venture representing an outside author.
Q: Russ, why did you choose to publish under 3 Finger Prints?
Russ: Rich and I first met at a comic book convention in Silver Spring, Maryland in the late 1990s, although we really came together at the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con. Rich has long been an enthusiastic supporter of Finders Keepers. There’s a real synergy between us.
Q: How so?
Russ: Even though Finders Keepers is a novel, there is a lot of overlap between the audience I’m targeting (and think will enjoy it) and Rich’s comic-book audience. If you like comic books, you’ll like Finders Keepers, as I intentionally wrote the novel with chapter-to-chapter cliffhangers, multiple characters and lots of humor. And if you enjoy TV shows like LOST, Heroes, Warehouse 13, Eureka and Quantum Leap, or books like Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy and Jitterbug Perfume, I’d say Finders Keepers is something you’d like to check out.
Rich: Agreed. Finders Keepers has all the feel of the books Russ mentioned and more. It’s not just a sci-fi/fantasy novel, but a character-driven novel as well. The dialogue is what really put it over the top for me and separated it from the ordinary sc-fi romp. Writing real dialogue is an art! Russ nailed that aspect of this book quite well.
Russ: Flattery will get you everywhere. Ha!
Q: Okay. You guys are obviously psyched about Finders Keepers. We’ve heard a lot about it … but what’s it actually about?
Russ: Ah, the devil’s in the details, eh? Finders Keepers is loosely based on a backpacking trip I took across Europe … set against the quest for a jar that contains the Universe’s DNA. You know, a nice family drama! Including our backpacking heroes Jason Medley and Theo Barnes, Finders Keepers features a galactic talk show host, Kiwi biker gang, drag queen, sizzling hot women and a talking brown Lab named Lex. The action takes place across Europe, New Zealand and the backbone of Eternity.
Q: Wow. So … what kind of genre does Finders Keepers fall under?
Russ: The genre is what I like to call ‘cosmic lunacy,’ or goofy science fiction. Finders Keepers partly takes place in the day-to-day reality that you and I know, and partly based in the realm of Eternity (as invented by my goofy, whacked-out brain) … and, as you can tell from that description, how those two worlds come together.
Q: Rich … how do you feel about Finders Keepers being the first publishing project for 3 Finger Prints that you haven’t written yourself? What drew you to Finders Keepers?

Rich: Russ really knocked my socks off with Finders Keepers I’ll admit, when he asked me to read it I was more than a bit skeptical if I’d really like it … and what do you tell him if you don’t? … I mean, we had become fast friends working the cons together. But I was absolutely blown away and devoured the book within days! I quickly became as involved as possible helping Russ in whatever capacity I could. We eventually started tossing the idea around of my publishing Finders Keepers.
Russ will be the first “outside” author I’ve taken on, so I’d hope that says a lot about how confident I am with his work. As a huge sci-fi/fantasy fan (LOVE Terry Pratchett, Peter David, Neil Gaiman), I’m pretty selective on what I like. Russ’ book more than holds up against the best of the best!
Oh, and the cover art kicks @$$!
Q: Speaking of the cover … who is the artist?
Russ: That is a Rich Koslowski original, and it’s pretty amazing. He really blew me away, as I expected he would. The colors alone just really pop. The main concept came together quickly, but it took us a little while to settle in on the background, and then Rich sent me this idea – this dusk setting – and immediately I said, “that’s it!” It wasn’t the way I was thinking about the cover, which is why I don’t do art. I’m often too literal-minded when it comes to art. But Rich told me from the beginning, “trust me, this is going to really kill. I’ve got some ideas.” And he was right. I love it.
Q: How did you guys decide that Rich would also create the art, as well as publish?
Russ: It was pretty organic, actually.
Rich: I wanted to do the cover and Russ agreed. As there are a lot of characters in Finders Keepers — and it’s a character-driven book — I wanted to feature as many characters as possible on the cover, but also focus on the three or four main characters. So I did a massive wraparound cover with the secondary characters on the back and the main characters on the front. It also had to be “cosmic,” so I had a lot of fun with that jar! It’s the focal point of the design and I think it works very well.
It is very dynamic … very eye catching. I think people will dig it.
Q: Who came up with the design? Was that Rich?
Russ: Mostly … yes. Since Rich knows Finders Keepers so well, I pretty much gave him license to come up with whatever he wanted. Rich sent me some original pencils, which I liked quite a bit, and then made some suggestions. What really knocked me out was the idea of having a wrap-around cover—the total artwork is on both the front and back cover, so that if it were laid out flat, you would see the entire piece like a mosaic. I never would have thought to do it that way, but then, that’s why Rich is the artist, and I’m just the writer dude.
Q: Rich … the front cover has four of the main characters leaping into the air, reaching for a jar that appears to be glowing. What’s going on there?
Rich: They’re all fighting for that jar … the jar that holds the universe’s DNA, man! It’s kind of important, and they all want it. ‘Course, some of them are the bad guys and some are the good guys, so we want the right people getting it.
Russ: If you want to check it out, it’s on the home page of my web site.
Q: Definitely will. Finders Keepers has such great visuals, and sounds really bizarre and fun. Any talk of a movie adaption?
Russ: Hell, yes! I talk about it all the time. If only Hollywood would listen! (LOL!) Seriously, though, I have gotten some interest at the San Diego Comic-Cons, but when the novel comes out, I expect the interest to pick up considerably.
Q: That’s great. Can’t wait to see it in full bloom. So let’s talk availability. When does Finders Keepers go on sale?
Russ: Finders Keepers will debut at the NY Comic-Con at the Javits Center, October 8-10, 2010.
Q: Not far off at all. How can we get a copy of Finders Keepers?

Russ: Rich. You’re the publisher. You want to handle this one?
Rich: Sure. You’ll be able to order Finders Keepers through the 3 Finger Prints web site (, plus some other vendors and distributors we’re working with. And we’ll both be attending various conventions, where you can pick up signed copies. We’ll update you as we finalize plans.

Okay, gang. So that’s my story and I’m sticking with it. Finders Keepers is coming your way! For more info about Finders Keepers, an expanded version of this Q&A will be available soon, which I’ll post on my Web site. Until then, Rich and I will keep you posted with updates, availability and our appearance schedule.
With that, let me just leave you with one final thought: 
Finders Keepers, baby!

Russ’s Newsletter: Vol. 4, Issue 2 – Here Comes CROSSLINE!

Hey Gang-

Daylight’s savings is finally upon us, Spring is on it’s way and Opening Day is just two weeks off. So as we head into the season of re-birth and bloom, here’s the latest about my adventures in publishing:
*It’s taken a year-and-a-half (and about a decade on percolate), but the first complete draft of CROSSLINE is done! D-O-N-E done! In the publishing world, finishing a manuscript is actually just a milestone–not the milestone–but as a writer, completing a first draft is a major cause for celebration. It’s a culmination of all the hours, early mornings, late nights, weekends, research, tweaks and then revisions, revisions and more revisions it takes to pull it all together. So when the day finally arrives, it’s something special.
Of course, there’s still more to be done. The next phase is handing off the manuscript to my writer’s inner sanctum for feedback. Then it’s back to the desk to think about those suggestions, make corrections and updates as necessary, and get a final, complete manuscript ready for publishing. But for now, I’m taking a deep breath to enjoy this milestone. I might even give myself five whole minutes to lay back and relax before I start book No. 3–the first sequel to FINDERS KEEPERS.
* Speaking of FINDERS KEEPERS … I’ve got a few plans in the works that I’m hoping to unveil soon. In the mean time, I’ve got copy editor extraordinaire Barney O’Neill doing a final review for any type-o’s or goofy formatting that might have snuck through.
* In other FINDERS KEEPERS news, what about the new art work I mentioned? Well … it just so happens that it’s underway. I’m not going to give away any details–don’t you just love surprises?–but I will say that the layout captures the goofiness and scope of FINDERS KEEPERS–a tale of cosmic lunacy about two backpackers who get in waaaaaaaaaay over their heads. Figuratively and literally. I’ve seen the sketches. It’s gonna be awesome.
* And what’s up with my new web site? A-ha! I’m glad you asked. Webmaster Ron is doing his usual magic behind the scenes right now. We’re still working out some kinks and making a few adjustments, but version 2.0 is the kind of online destination I think you’re really going to enjoy. Look for an announcement soon.
* And for this issue’s spotlight, let me once again call your attention to DRAWING WITH CHALK, the debut movie from long-time pals Todd Giglio and Chris Springer. It took some perseverance, but DRAWING WITH CHALK is now a regular at film festival all across the country, getting killer reviews wherever it goes. Here’s one for you perusal (
And if you want to follow DRAWING WITH CHALK, join their FACEBOOK group, or check out the Web site at If a film festival is in your area, I highly recommend you go check it out. And if you’ve got a few minutes, send an email to your local paper asking them to interview Todd and Chris, and start showing this movie. It’s a winner.
Okay, so … if you must know–and I know that you do–I’ve actually got loads more to report, but I’ll save some juicy announcements for next time. Until then, have a great start to the Spring, and I’ll be back in May with news I think you’ll get a bang out of. Let’s play two!
Find me on FACEBOOK!

Russ’s Newsletter: Vol. 4, Issue 1 – 2010 Starts with a Bang!

Hey Gang-

First off, Happy New Year! I hope 2010 is starting off better than 2009. It sure is on my end. We’re only a month into a new decade and already I’ve got a ton of activity to report on Finders Keepers and Crossline. So let’s get this party started!

* With the holiday season over I’ve been back in touch with publishers, and though there’s nothing official to report just yet about a Finders Keepers deal … things are brewing. I can’t talk specifics at the moment, but there’s been very positive momentum that has things rolling in the right direction. So keep the good vibes flowing!
* Last time around I told you that I had plans to launch a new Web site. Well
… it’s on it’s way! Webmaster Ron has been plugging away behind the scenes, and every day we’re getting closer. The new and improved site is streamlined, simpler and more user-friendly, with version 2.0 more focused on my overall writing projects. We’re still working on the site, but it should go live sooner rather than later. When it does, a big announcement will come your way. The new site is gonna be sweet.
* Also, when we last spoke I mentioned some new Finders Keepers cover art. Like the new web site, it’s coming your way. I’ve seen early sketches, and I can say that we’re off to a heckuva good start. The artist I’m working with knows my book well and does fantastic covers; the Finders Keepers cover will be no exception. You’re gonna love it.
* Believe or not, I’m already looking into the summer and fall Comic-Con schedules, so as we speak I’m looking at what’s doable, and how to get the best promotion out of them. I’ll know more over the next few months.
* Switching gears, my second novel, Crossline, is almost done. I’m doing final edits on my first draft, which I expect to wrap up by the end of February, if not sooner. Once I’m finished, I’ll be passing the manuscript on to my writer inner sanctum, and await their feedback before finalizing the manuscript.
* I’ve been getting a bunch of emails from you guys about my annual Top 10 movies and TV lists. It took me a little while to catch up this year, dropping lots of regular quickies on Facebook, but at long last, the lists are done. For my Top 10 lists, check out my blog at
* Believe it or not there’s actually loads more to share about Finders Keepers and some interesting connections that are coming together … but to find out, you’ll just have to keep coming back for more updates as my adventures unfold.
I’m going to wrap up here, but as you can see, I’m starting off 2010 with a bang. Until next time …

Russ’s Newsletter: Vol. 3, Issue 7 – Happy Holidays

Hi Gang-

It indeed has been a long, strange year, but one that ends on a high note. So with this final–and holiday–update of the year, here’s what’s new in my adventures in publishing, and what lies ahead in 2010:

* Finders Keepers is under discussion with two publishers. Talks will head into January as we break for the holidays, so along with plenty of potato laktes, we’ll see what the Chanukah candles bring me this year (besides Wii Fit; thanks Liz!).

* Speaking of Finders Keepers, I’ve got some brand new artwork coming your way, and from the early chats I’ve had about it, it will be another eye-popping addition. Once the images are done, you’ll be sure to get an eyeful. Gonna be sweet.

* As for my other major project, Crossline, the first draft is almost done. Just an itsy bits smidge-and-a-half to go and I’ll be passing it along to my writer’s inner sanctum for feedback. So as Finders Keepers makes its way down the publishing home stretch, Crossline won’t be far behind. (And yes, I’ve got book #3 queued up and ready to go after that.)

* Moving onto all things Webtastic, the online universe has changed by leaps and bounds over the last year (Facebook and Twitter and iPhones, oh my), and it’s about darn tootin’ time I changed with it. So as promotions for Finders Keepers and Crossline pick up, look for a brand, spankin’ new web site from yours truly, set to launch in the first quarter of 2010. Webmaster Ron and I are working on the layout. The new site will be quick, clean and easy, and, most of all–fun. I think you’re gonna dig it. I’ll be sending out a special notice for its launch.

* And last, though certainly not least, in this issue’s holiday shout out, I want to thank … you! Your ongoing support and enthusiasm is remarkable, and truly appreciated. You always hear that there are so many people to thank when it comes to projects like mine, and I can vouch for that. I may be the one writing the stories and sending the updates, but to all of you … my friends, family and fans who keep rooting for me and cheering me on … I genuinely, deeply thank you.

Every note you send, every word of encouragement, every email, every Facebook post you drop by … they all bring a smile to my face, and make we want to keep on keepin’ on more than ever. So keep ’em coming! I’ll take all the love I can get.

And with that I wish you and your families a festive and happy holidays, and look forward to sharing my writing adventures with you in 2010.



Russ’s Newsletter: Vol. 3, Issue 6 – Fall Convention Updates! Horror! Suspense!

Hi Gang-

My schedule has been absolutely nutty of late, with tons of fun to report, including the last wave of conventions for the year. So here goes with a heaping scoop of updates:

* The Baltimore Comic-Con was an absolute blast. I bought comics, hung out with partners-in-crime Rich Henn and Jim Chambers and promoted Finders Keepers like gangbusters. To see all the pics, and catch up on the action, check out my blogs and the PHOTOS section on my site ( I’ve also got pics up on Facebook.

* The Big Apple Comic-Con in New York City was also great. I bought even more comics, hung out with the guys, drank a LOT of beer and ate bratwurst up at Heidelberg on the Upper East Side. And I had a very good meeting with a publisher. So that was encouraging. For more pics of that weekend … oh, you know the drill. 🙂

* So what does all this activity all mean for Finders Keepers? The publishing opportunities are starting to take shape, with talks in place for a 2010 book launch. Patience is part of the game  …. grrrrrr …. so I’m letting the process unfold as it does. Sit tight for updates (must … stay … patient … musn’t … black … out …)

* Meanwhile, I’ve been doing my darnedest to keep up a rigorous writing schedule these days–probably my most ambitious pace in years–and so far so good. I’m getting close to the half way mark on Crossline, with things looking good for completion by year’s end. So with a little good fortune I’ll have a first draft circulating to my writer’s inner circle for review in early 2010, and then after some revisions on my end, off to my agent and the publishers.

* I may be little late to the game on this one, but, hey … at least I’m here now. Going forward, look for more Facebook posts from me mixed in with my Web site blogs, pics, and musings about my adventures in publishing, plus all the other random goofiness that comes dripping out of my brain (I’ll tackle Twitter another day).

* In the spirit of Halloween weekend, fellow writer dude and master of horror and suspense Jim Chambers has a big announcement of his own. Dark Regions Press is publishing Resurrection House, a collection of his short stories and horror musings. DRP is issuing it in two signed hardcover editions (one of which includes 2 extra stories) and a paperback edition, with a cover and illustrations by Jason Whitley.

To purchase Resurrection House, or check out the online excerpts and story samples, go to:

* For those of you who have been following the rise of the critically acclaimed independent movie Drawing with Chalk from buddies Todd Giglio and Chris Springer, you’re in luck, because DWC is playing in NYC! Come join the NYC movie premiere on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 9 pm at the Quad Cinema. And there will be a party afterwards. Hope to see you there! To order tickets, go to:

*And last but surely not least, Liz and I are celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary on Monday. That’s seven years married, nine years together. It’s been great every step of the way. The gods have been very kind to me …

Well, that’s all she wrote for this edition. I’ll be back around the winter holidays with some festive thoughts, and all the news that’s fit to print.



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