About Russ Colchamiro

Russ Colchamiro has written 708 articles so far, you can find them below.

SD Comic-Con ’09: Bizarre and Fruitful

[size=4]Every year that I go to Comic-Con my expectations are sort of the same, sort of different, if only because each year I’m at a different stage myself. And it was unusually hot and humid for San Diego, so there was a wierd vibe weatherwise.

Like with any repeat event, no two years are exactly alike, and the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con had a flavor all its own. To start, this was a sold-out show–125,000 tickets sold–so, yeah … it was packed.

Once again I was at booth 1907 with FI[size=4]Every year that I go to Comic-Con my expectations are sort of the same, sort of different, if only because each year I’m at a different stage myself. And it was unusually hot and humid for San Diego, so there was a wierd vibe weatherwise.

Like with any repeat event, no two years are exactly alike, and the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con had a flavor all its own. To start, this was a sold-out show–125,000 tickets sold–so, yeah … it was packed.

Once again I was at booth 1907 with FINDERS KEEPERS, along with partners-in-crime Rich Henn, who was pimping out ZOOMIES, and TIMESPELL, and James Owen, who’s HERE, THERE BE DRAGONS series now has 2.5 million copies in print worldwide!

Wed. night is preview night, wherein the doors are only open to the public from 6 – 9 pm, and typically is the calmest, easiest portion of the show. It’s for the dedicated fan that just wants to browse and chill, and avoid the madness, and for us behind the booth, the most relaxing, as we don’t have to be so ‘on’ all the time.

Well … so much for that. Wed. night was by far the most hectic, chaotic segment of the entire week! The fans bum rushed the convention center like their lives depended on it. I’ve never seen an opening night like that. Crazy!

The rest of the week was definitely crowded–like I said, a sold out show–and yet it was far less manic than in years past. The attendees weren’t spending too much money; lots of looky loos, and the Hollywood producers and talent agents that usually swarm the place were basically non-existent. Bummer on that end, although I did talk to a couple of Hollywood folks, with one or two who were really intersted (or so they said).

The bigger highlights for me was hooking up with a bunch of publishers who have big interest in FINDERS KEEPERS, including a hush-hush possibility that will have to stay under wraps for the time being …

I also got to see a few industry pals, like Rob Venditti, who’s comic book THE SURROGATES will be out in September as a big sci-fi action movie with Bruce Willis. And I also got to finally meet face to face Maxwell Alexander Drake, a writer I’ve known for a while–and was at his first Comic-Con ever–who’s FARMERS AND MERCENARIES is really starting to heat up in the fantasy realm, so if you like dragon books and that type of epic adventure, I suggest you check him out (and the first in his GENESIS OF OBLIVION saga) at www.maxwellalexanderdrake.com/.

At the booth itself, this was the first year that I had my trailer to play … and it worked! Showing off the trailer lead to almost another dozen people signing up for my newsletter for updates about FINDERS KEEPERS, so that’s a big plus. And … I was able to hand my trailer to a handful of Hollywood dudes, so another plus (although not as many as I would have liked, but still …).

There were also plenty of costumed attendees, and have loads of pics to share. Coming soon! Not to mention that I had a Wesley Snipes sighting (he’s much smaller than you’d think), and for you LOST fans, here’s a kick in the teeth. Literally ten seconds after I leave Rich Koslowski’s booth … who shows up and gets in a picture with Rich? Jorge Garcia, who plays Hurley!


And finally, the best time of all was just hanging out with the guys, with Henn and Ray (a surprise visit) and Ron and Rich Koslowski, just talking movies and comics and babes.

So while the 2009 Comic-Con wasn’t quite what I expected, it was extremely fruitful, with FINDERS KEEPERS closer than ever to finally getting into print.

More Comic-Con updates to come …..[/size]

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2009/07/28 13:47

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2009/07/28 14:52

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2009/07/28 15:26

S.D. Comic-Con ’09: First Day Back

Just a quick note today …

Flew back yesterday from the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con … and I’m exhausted!

As usual there was plenty of mayhem and lots to report, which I’ll be doing this week. Plus, I’ve got loads and loads of photos from the show. I’ll be posting soon.

But the quick highlights are that from a sold-out show–125,000 attendees–I’ve got some juicy publishing possibilities in the works … including one situation in particular that I can’t get into right now, but couJust a quick note today …

Flew back yesterday from the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con … and I’m exhausted!

As usual there was plenty of mayhem and lots to report, which I’ll be doing this week. Plus, I’ve got loads and loads of photos from the show. I’ll be posting soon.

But the quick highlights are that from a sold-out show–125,000 attendees–I’ve got some juicy publishing possibilities in the works … including one situation in particular that I can’t get into right now, but could wind up being the deal that gets FINDERS KEEPERS in print for 2010!

More on that and the rest of the show later this week. Until then, I gotta sleep!

Best. Chair Massage. Ever.

As a combination of genetic make-up, being hunched over a desk all day, and not stretching and making time to relax enough, my back in particular gets really tight. It tenses up.

So as often as possible … although not anywhere as often as I like … I go for a massage, and more often than not, get a 10-minute massage on one of those lean-forward massage chairs.

I’ve had some good ones and some not so good ones, but the other day … Wow. I’m not just saying this woman kicked ass, tAs a combination of genetic make-up, being hunched over a desk all day, and not stretching and making time to relax enough, my back in particular gets really tight. It tenses up.

So as often as possible … although not anywhere as often as I like … I go for a massage, and more often than not, get a 10-minute massage on one of those lean-forward massage chairs.

I’ve had some good ones and some not so good ones, but the other day … Wow. I’m not just saying this woman kicked ass, this was the Best. Chair Massage. Ever.


And when I say best ever, I mean, best ever for [i]me[/i]. My back and neck gets so tight, so tense, that I need someone with linebacker-strong hands to bring the pain. And she did. Whoa.

She even said to me, "You have too much stress. You are way too tense. You’re making me work too hard! You need to get more massages. You need to relax."

Well … this spa is close to where I work, so I think that come quittin’ time, I’ll be making more than a few visits …

Soooooo gooooooood …..

The Worst Reviewed Movie … Ever?

The other night I was hanging out for the beginning of ThrillerFest–a writer’s conference in NYC–with acclaimed author Thomas O’Callaghan, and writer buddy Jim Chambers. Thomas was telling us about an award they give every year. It’s for the best [i]worst [/i]review of your work posted on Amazon.com. So the review has to be really, really bad for you to win.

Among authors, it’s almost a badge of honor to get a horrible review. Hey, at least someone is reading your work.

So along thoThe other night I was hanging out for the beginning of ThrillerFest–a writer’s conference in NYC–with acclaimed author Thomas O’Callaghan, and writer buddy Jim Chambers. Thomas was telling us about an award they give every year. It’s for the best [i]worst [/i]review of your work posted on Amazon.com. So the review has to be really, really bad for you to win.

Among authors, it’s almost a badge of honor to get a horrible review. Hey, at least someone is reading your work.

So along those lines, I read something yesterday that had me howling with laughter. Cringing. But howling. I started reading what might be the worst reviewed movie … [i]in my lifetime[/i]! As a matter of full disclosure, I have not seen the new movie [i]I Love you Beth Cooper[/i], so I have no opinion about the movie itself.

That said … you have got to check out these movie reviews. Wow. They’re absolutely stunning. The reviews are so hilariously brutal that it almost makes me want to see the movie. I’ve included some highlights below.

I’m fairly certain that when FINDERS KEEPERS comes out I’ll get my share of review kicking my butt, but to get shredded like this movie is really something to read.

NY Daily News-

"I Love You, Beth Cooper" could be called an atrocity, but that might suggest there was something in it that could be ruined. This unfunny, unoriginal, charmless teen comedy is so stunningly awful from start to finish, it’s amazing to think its director has made a single film before, much less a dozen.

Chris Columbus has been derided for easy emotion and pedestrian filmmaking. Still, his blockbusters – including the first two "Harry Potter" movies as well as "Home Alone" and "Mrs. Doubtfire" – indicate Columbus isn’t clueless about what makes mainstream success. His last movie was "Rent," and "Beth Cooper" feels like it was made in the Port-O-John used on the "Rent" set. It stinks that bad.

Hollywood and Lane-

This Chris Columbus film is as painfully unfunny as any movie this summer ? or in recent memory. A chimp could have written this script.

PopMatters –

I Love You Beth Cooper is an abject failure. It?s not funny. It?s not insightful. And just when you think it will wake up and deliver the kind of warm and fuzzy nostalgia that made John Hughes a wealthy recluse, it continuous its path toward complete cinematic incompetence. … If comedy is all timing, then I Love You Beth Cooper is temporally retarded.


I Love You, Beth Cooper is a paralyzingly incompetent, unfunny, unbearable train wreck. … You may recall that Columbus directed Home Alone, which was written by John Hughes, who wrote (and directed) classic teen comedies like The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles, which I Love You, Beth Cooper was obviously inspired by and desperately — desperately — wants to emulate, in much the same way that a crack whore wearing a dime-store tiara wants to emulate Queen Elizabeth.

BrianOrndorf.com –

Perhaps Columbus was involved in a hideous car accident recently that left him partially brain damaged, or maybe tragic senility is creeping up on the 51-year-old filmmaker. I simply refuse to believe Columbus willingly created something as monstrously unfunny and schizophrenic as ?Cooper.?

Yes, it?s worse than ?Bicentennial Man.?

I Hate to Lose at … Miniature Golf?

Taking a much needed vacation, Liz and I went down to Cape May, NJ, last week, and enjoyed several days in the sun. We chilled on the beach, crashed around in the ways, ate well and played … miniature golf.

Liz and I were down at Cape May last year, and in a heated battle to the very end–Liz even nailed a [i]hole-in-one[/i]–on the 12th hole–I squeaked out a one-stroke victory in a sudden death round. Well fought, but a sweet win.

Naturally, Liz was hankering for a rematch, whichTaking a much needed vacation, Liz and I went down to Cape May, NJ, last week, and enjoyed several days in the sun. We chilled on the beach, crashed around in the ways, ate well and played … miniature golf.

Liz and I were down at Cape May last year, and in a heated battle to the very end–Liz even nailed a [i]hole-in-one[/i]–on the 12th hole–I squeaked out a one-stroke victory in a sudden death round. Well fought, but a sweet win.

Naturally, Liz was hankering for a rematch, which I was more than happy to provide.

And things went just as well as I hoped. Only the opposite.

It wasn’t that Liz beat me, she crushed me. An all-out shellacking. For the 18 hole-course, she beat me by ten strokes. Count ’em, ten strokes, including sinking not one, but [i]two[/i] holes-in-one, both on the back nine.


So now I’ll have to wait until next year to try and scrape my miniature golf manhood off the floor …

Russ’s Newsletter: Vol. 3, Issue 7 – Happy Holidays

Hi Gang-

It indeed has been a long, strange year, but one that ends on a high note. So with this final–and holiday–update of the year, here’s what’s new in my adventures in publishing, and what lies ahead in 2010:

* Finders Keepers is under discussion with two publishers. Talks will head into January as we break for the holidays, so along with plenty of potato laktes, we’ll see what the Chanukah candles bring me this year (besides Wii Fit; thanks Liz!).

* Speaking of Finders Keepers, I’ve got some brand new artwork coming your way, and from the early chats I’ve had about it, it will be another eye-popping addition. Once the images are done, you’ll be sure to get an eyeful. Gonna be sweet.

* As for my other major project, Crossline, the first draft is almost done. Just an itsy bits smidge-and-a-half to go and I’ll be passing it along to my writer’s inner sanctum for feedback. So as Finders Keepers makes its way down the publishing home stretch, Crossline won’t be far behind. (And yes, I’ve got book #3 queued up and ready to go after that.)

* Moving onto all things Webtastic, the online universe has changed by leaps and bounds over the last year (Facebook and Twitter and iPhones, oh my), and it’s about darn tootin’ time I changed with it. So as promotions for Finders Keepers and Crossline pick up, look for a brand, spankin’ new web site from yours truly, set to launch in the first quarter of 2010. Webmaster Ron and I are working on the layout. The new site will be quick, clean and easy, and, most of all–fun. I think you’re gonna dig it. I’ll be sending out a special notice for its launch.

* And last, though certainly not least, in this issue’s holiday shout out, I want to thank … you! Your ongoing support and enthusiasm is remarkable, and truly appreciated. You always hear that there are so many people to thank when it comes to projects like mine, and I can vouch for that. I may be the one writing the stories and sending the updates, but to all of you … my friends, family and fans who keep rooting for me and cheering me on … I genuinely, deeply thank you.

Every note you send, every word of encouragement, every email, every Facebook post you drop by … they all bring a smile to my face, and make we want to keep on keepin’ on more than ever. So keep ’em coming! I’ll take all the love I can get.

And with that I wish you and your families a festive and happy holidays, and look forward to sharing my writing adventures with you in 2010.




R.I.P. – Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcet

Celebrities come and go, but it’s rare that two so bold–two cultural icons–die on the same day.

Can you forget Farrah Fawcet in the red bathing suit? Or Michael Jackson’s moonwalk?

Neither one were saints–or even sane, at times–but they sure left an imprint. In my lifetime I saw them rise, rise again … and fall. Hard. Farrah had a comeback as a serious actress after her cover girl days were over, and then got kinda strange, before finally–sadly–succumbing to cancer.

And MiCelebrities come and go, but it’s rare that two so bold–two cultural icons–die on the same day.

Can you forget Farrah Fawcet in the red bathing suit? Or Michael Jackson’s moonwalk?

Neither one were saints–or even sane, at times–but they sure left an imprint. In my lifetime I saw them rise, rise again … and fall. Hard. Farrah had a comeback as a serious actress after her cover girl days were over, and then got kinda strange, before finally–sadly–succumbing to cancer.

And Michael, well … he’s another sort, who just became bizarre and sad and something else entirely, too, until cardiac finally arrest took him down.

Now that they’ve died I’m certainly not going to say that we should immortalize them as being more than they actually were, that we should ignore their flaws, but for the fun, for the magic they brought … they’ve earned a few permanent smiles.

I remembering watching live on TV Michael Jackson’s moonwalk performance at Motown’s 25th Anniversary special. No matter what I thought of his music at that time, it was an extraordinary moment. Mesmerizing. And I also remember Farrah Fawcet on Charlie’s Angels in all it’s cheesy terribleness that you just had to watch because, well … you know.

For reasons I’m not entirely clear about, over the years we’ve been putting more and more importance on celebrity–on fame–despite how ludicrous it usually is. But sometimes people pass through the collective consciousness that just become part of the fabric of how we experience life.

And better or for worse–and with some remarkable highlights in between–Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcet were two of those people.

Subway Stories: That Ain’t No Venus Fly Trap

The morning started off quite nicely. I had a decent night’s sleep, a quality work out at the gym. Simon got his walk, and I was showered and ready for the day. I was feeling good. On the way to the train, it wasn’t too hot, nice breeze came along. Thursday was shaping up.

When my subway came–the good ole F train–I didn’t have to wait; got a seat …

But squeezing in was a little bit of an issue. There was an empty spot in the corner of an L configuration, so I had to squeeze in betThe morning started off quite nicely. I had a decent night’s sleep, a quality work out at the gym. Simon got his walk, and I was showered and ready for the day. I was feeling good. On the way to the train, it wasn’t too hot, nice breeze came along. Thursday was shaping up.

When my subway came–the good ole F train–I didn’t have to wait; got a seat …

But squeezing in was a little bit of an issue. There was an empty spot in the corner of an L configuration, so I had to squeeze in between a middle-aged woman, and jackass in a suit, wearing sun glasses. Yep. That kind of a jackass. Okay. Fine.

Well, the woman gave me a dirty look as I tried to squeeze through (no, she didn’t move an inch to make it easier), and I’m-too-cool-school next to me, at one point, gave me a nice hard elbow. Grrrrrrr…. okay. I’m still not letting them get to me too much, just reading my paper, but still.

Along the trip the woman gave me a dirty look every time I turned a page or reached down to my bag, and Mr. Sunglasses gave me at least one other good bump.

Still … staying cool, feeling good. Just reading my paper, not going to let these wonks ruin my day …

And when I finally get off the train, glad to be away from them … I realize that my fly was open the whole time!!

My Right Hip is Five … Millimeters to Short?

I was at the chiropractor’s office the other day, and got a look at the x-rays taken of my back.

He put them up on the screen, and instantly said, "oh, no wonder you’re in pain." So I’m looking at the x-rays, checking for fractures or spots or … something … and going [i]yes, hmm, interesting, interesting … [/i]Meanwhile, I don’t know what the heck I’m looking at. Then he points to the x-ray and says, "here. look."

And then it was obvious.

Turns out, my hI was at the chiropractor’s office the other day, and got a look at the x-rays taken of my back.

He put them up on the screen, and instantly said, "oh, no wonder you’re in pain." So I’m looking at the x-rays, checking for fractures or spots or … something … and going [i]yes, hmm, interesting, interesting … [/i]Meanwhile, I don’t know what the heck I’m looking at. Then he points to the x-ray and says, "here. look."

And then it was obvious.

Turns out, my hip on the right side is four or five millimeters shorter than my hip on the left side! I’m uneven. Like he said, no wonder I’m in pain. It’s like having one tire on the car with less air the others. Eventually, you start tipping to one side, putting all the pressure on that one spot. Now, in the grand scheme of things, four millimeters might not seem like a lot, but when it comes to my back, those four millimeters are the difference between pain and relief.

The plan now is that he’s ordered me a small heel support for my right shoe, which, in theory, will even me out as I walk, and give me relief. We’ll see. I’m truly hopeful this is the answer, because it’s been about six years with this, and it would be soooooooooo nice to get this taken care of. Finally ….

Movie Review: The Hangover

All you really to need to know about [i]The Hangover [/i]is this: it’s Old School on steroids.

So if you liked Old School, you’ll The Hangover.

It’s about a bachelor party in Las Vegas gone very wrong–or right–depending on your point of view. The groomsmen wake up in their plush hotel suite the next morning–the room is trashed, they’re beat to hell–and the groom is missing. And they can’t remember what the heck happened.

So the rest of the movie is about these three guys retrAll you really to need to know about [i]The Hangover [/i]is this: it’s Old School on steroids.

So if you liked Old School, you’ll The Hangover.

It’s about a bachelor party in Las Vegas gone very wrong–or right–depending on your point of view. The groomsmen wake up in their plush hotel suite the next morning–the room is trashed, they’re beat to hell–and the groom is missing. And they can’t remember what the heck happened.

So the rest of the movie is about these three guys retracing their steps to find out just what they did, where they went … and if the groom is even alive.

If you’re looking for a laugh-out-loud crowd pleasing romp, this is your movie. You will laugh. Hard. A lot.


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Finders KeepersFinders Keepers
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