Meet the Author: Russ Colchamiro at Farpoint SciFi Convention

Howdy folks!

If you’re planning to be in the Baltimore area next weekend — February 14-16 — you can find me there at the annual Farpoint science fiction convention. I’ll be mixing and mingling all weekend, signing copies of Finders Keepers and Crossline.

And — if you fancy such an endeavor — you can come hear me chat about writing and such on the following panels:

Farpoint Book Fair          Fri 2/14/14    10 pm     Dulaney Valley 1

Crazy 8 Press                   Sat 2/15/14     1 pm       Chesapeake 1

Crazy 8 Press
Authograph Table           Sat 2/15/15     2 pm     Atrium Front

Orphan Black:
Send in the Clones         Sun 2/16/14     Noon    Ridgely 1

Writing Humor               Sun 2/16/14     3 pm    Chesapeak

Hope to see you there!

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Finders KeepersFinders Keepers
reviews: 10
ratings: 303 (avg rating 4.00)