Corey Haim Cause of Death — Pneunomia? Really?

The official autopsy report regarding Corey Haim’s death last month says that he died of natural causes — i.e. pneumonia. It isn’t often that a 38-year-old man in Western culture dies of this, but OK. If you say so.
The reporter also says the following:
“These medications are present in low levels and are non-contributory to death:”
* An antidepressant (Prozac)
* An antipsychotic (Olanzapine)
* Diazepam (Valium)
* A muscle relaxer (Carisoprodol)
* A tranquilizer (meprobamate)
* THC (a chemical in marijuana)
* A cough suppressant
* An antihistamine
* Ibuprofen
Ummm … I know I’m not a doctor, but all those drugs really had nothing to do with his death?
I’ve got nothing against the guy, but methinks this report sounds a wee bit suspicious …

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