Subway Stories: Long-Legged Seat Tease

I’m on way home from work the other day, and there were no seats on the F train. It wasn’t so bad, because it was about 90 degrees outside, and the A/C was on full blast, so I didn’t mind too much.

Of course, I’m always on the lookout for a seat (creaky back, you know), and all it takes is for one person to get up at the next stop. Of course, there’s usually competition for those lone seats, so you’ve gotta be on your toes, both figuratively and literally.

Well, just so happens that thI’m on way home from work the other day, and there were no seats on the F train. It wasn’t so bad, because it was about 90 degrees outside, and the A/C was on full blast, so I didn’t mind too much.

Of course, I’m always on the lookout for a seat (creaky back, you know), and all it takes is for one person to get up at the next stop. Of course, there’s usually competition for those lone seats, so you’ve gotta be on your toes, both figuratively and literally.

Well, just so happens that there was a woman–a long-legged woman, in fact (with a short skirt, by the by)–was sitting forward just enough to make me think she might be getting off at the next stop. So I’m sorta eyeballing the terrain, seeing if I’ll be in direct competition with anyone. Sure enough, there was another woman nearby, and it’s my policy never to fight a woman over a seat (unless she’s a total biatch, in which case, too bad). But she seemed perfectly nice, so, even if the long-legged one got up, I wasn’t going to seat jump this other woman.

And yet … the long-legged one didn’t get up at the next stop. But what she did do was straighten her back and sit closer to the end of the seat. So I know I’m really thinking the next stop could be the one. No go. But again, she sat [i]even closer[/i] again to the edge, so that her long legs were extended into the aisle.

So I’m thinking [i]is this it? Is she getting up? Is she just close enough to give up that seat will the other woman take it or maybe not go for it or get off the train or …[/i]

On and on this went. I was like a dog thinking that a single potato chip might drop from someone’s hand, and it when it does … it’s mine!

With each stop the long-legged one inched closer and closer and closer to the edge of the seat, just teasing me, even though I knew that even if she did get up, I wasn’t going to get it!

It drove me mad!

Finally … finally … she did get up, and yes, the other woman standing up took the seat. And you know what? I was relieved! I couldn’t take her just tempting me with that seat, teasing me that she might get up.

… sigh …

The story does have a happy ending (hey, easy … not that kind …). One stop later somebody else got up, and I got a seat all to myself after all.


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