We Hosted Thanksgiving – And Survived

Thanksgiving has come and gone and tomorrow it’s back to work (sadly), although we’ve still got the rest of this final Thanksgiving Sunday to enjoy.

As a first ever, Liz and I hosted Thanksgiving this year, and I’ve got the pies to prove it. And one thing I learned is that hosting Thanksgiving–when you have a dozen guests–is hard friggin work! I must have washed about nine gazillion dishes (yes, gazillion is an official technical word) throughout the day, my back and knees a bit sore as aThanksgiving has come and gone and tomorrow it’s back to work (sadly), although we’ve still got the rest of this final Thanksgiving Sunday to enjoy.

As a first ever, Liz and I hosted Thanksgiving this year, and I’ve got the pies to prove it. And one thing I learned is that hosting Thanksgiving–when you have a dozen guests–is hard friggin work! I must have washed about nine gazillion dishes (yes, gazillion is an official technical word) throughout the day, my back and knees a bit sore as a result.

I’ll say that the day was a hit, although I didn’t get to enjoy it as much as I had hoped. Going into Thanksgiving I assumed I’d have to work throughout, cleaning up, serving courses, etc. But I hadn’t really prepared myself for just how much I’d have to been working, and how little chill time I would actually have. And it’s not that I’m complaining (well, maybe a little–I’m glad we hosted and I would do it again–it’s just that I was unprepared for the intensity of it.

I’ve thrown many parties, and usually once the guests arrive, it’s crack open a beer, play some music, and let the night go where it goes. With Thanksgiving … not so much.

There’s coordination. There’s a steaming hot kitchen (oven, and microwaves and burners oh my!). There’s dishes to wash, garbage to throw out, guests to attend to. I don’t think I sat in one place for more than five minutes at a time for almost the whole day. Sheesh. Talk about hustling!

Anyway, our guests seemed to enjoy themselves, the food was a hit, and as a result of some overly thoughtful giving on that day of thanks, I now have four, count ’em four, pies in my fridge, with my waistline expanding by the second!

So all in all Thanksgiving went well, but next time, I’m hiring in some help!

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