Snooze Mishap

If you’re anything like me, you make use of the snooze button. I actually try not to, as the best way to get up with energy is to do just that. Get up. We’re supposed get up, shake out the grogginess, and jump into the morning.

It actually works. On the mornings I can do it.

But more often than not–at least lately–I’ve been hitting the ol’ snooze button. Sometimes I hit it a second time, sometimes even a third. And then once in a while I’ll even reach over for snooze number four (If you’re anything like me, you make use of the snooze button. I actually try not to, as the best way to get up with energy is to do just that. Get up. We’re supposed get up, shake out the grogginess, and jump into the morning.

It actually works. On the mornings I can do it.

But more often than not–at least lately–I’ve been hitting the ol’ snooze button. Sometimes I hit it a second time, sometimes even a third. And then once in a while I’ll even reach over for snooze number four (I know, that’s kinda bad; but what can I tell you?)

Yesterday morning was just a two-snoozer, which got me out of bed at 4:38 am. I made my way into the shower, threw on my shorts and t-shirt, and went inside to work on my book. Things were moving along when Liz poked her head in around 5:30 or so, looking as groggy as can be. Turns out, I actually didn’t turn my alarm off. Thinking I hit the "off" button, I actually hit "snooze" again, so my radio was going off every nine minutes, which pretty much wrecked Liz’s morning.


Well, going forward I’ll be putting a little extra focus to make sure I hit the right button, because if the universe has the sense of humor that I think it does, I have a feeling I’ll be on the receiving end of a missed snooze button before I know it …

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