My Subway Vindication!

A few weeks back I blogged–okay, okay, I was kvetching–about the overheated subways and just how outrageous it is that there’s no #$%! air conditioning on some of these cars in the middle of the summer.

Well, to show that I’m not totally off my rocker (on this one at least), a report came out in the paper the other day rating the subways according to how often the air conditioning works. And what subway line not only came in last–but [i]waaaaaaaaay[/i] dead last?

You got it? The A few weeks back I blogged–okay, okay, I was kvetching–about the overheated subways and just how outrageous it is that there’s no #$%! air conditioning on some of these cars in the middle of the summer.

Well, to show that I’m not totally off my rocker (on this one at least), a report came out in the paper the other day rating the subways according to how often the air conditioning works. And what subway line not only came in last–but [i]waaaaaaaaay[/i] dead last?

You got it? The E train. The same train that nailed me several times.

Call this a shallow victory if you will, but I’ll take it.

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