HULK Smash!

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprise with the new HULK movie. [i]The Incredible Hulk[/i] was a darn good time. It had plenty of Hulk smash, and had some nice emotional moments, too. In fact, while I would say that [i]Iron Man[/i] is probably a better movie beginning to end, I think I enjoyed Hulk more.

There are some nice cameos, and, without giving anything way, I really liked how Bruce Banner (Ed Norton) is on the run, trying to keep his Hulk moments in check, while also tryingI have to say that I was pleasantly surprise with the new HULK movie. [i]The Incredible Hulk[/i] was a darn good time. It had plenty of Hulk smash, and had some nice emotional moments, too. In fact, while I would say that [i]Iron Man[/i] is probably a better movie beginning to end, I think I enjoyed Hulk more.

There are some nice cameos, and, without giving anything way, I really liked how Bruce Banner (Ed Norton) is on the run, trying to keep his Hulk moments in check, while also trying to find a cure. In that way, it was a lot more like the TV series, with some very literal translations from small screen to big screen.

I agree that the Hulk could have used a few more character-driven scenes–as the action keeps moving right along–but all in all I really did enjoy it. Supposedly, Ed Norton clashed with the studio over the final cut, complaining that some of the movie’s heart was ripped out. Recent media reports say that 70 minutes of footage was deleted, and that it will be included in some format on the DVD. I will be really interested in seeing that footage.

But the long and short of it is–at least from my eyes–[i]The Incredible Hulk[/i] is a good, fun summer movie with plenty of Hulk smash moments, some good excitement, and a movie that, naturally, is set up for a sequel, should there be one. And if there is, I’ll be there to see another round of Bruce Banner Hulking out.

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