Alex Needs a Shout Out

For those of you who have met him–and those who haven’t–my cat, Alex, is quite simply, the coolest cat there ever was. Gentle and fun, friendly, but not annoying. When he first meets you, he comes up to you, rubs against your leg, and if you pet him, he’s your buddy for life–thus, he’s "The Buddy." He’s been with me since Buffalo back in 1992, and we’ve had more adventures across the country than I could describe in one (or even many) sittings.

And he needs a shout out from yoFor those of you who have met him–and those who haven’t–my cat, Alex, is quite simply, the coolest cat there ever was. Gentle and fun, friendly, but not annoying. When he first meets you, he comes up to you, rubs against your leg, and if you pet him, he’s your buddy for life–thus, he’s "The Buddy." He’s been with me since Buffalo back in 1992, and we’ve had more adventures across the country than I could describe in one (or even many) sittings.

And he needs a shout out from you. A bit of a bad break, I’m afraid, as Alex has a little spot of cancer (gulp), and he’s due for some surgery. He’s got a cyst on his right shoulder, which the vet will remove, and he’s got some cancerous cells in one of his toes, which will also have to go in a case of snip-snip. Now, understand, Alex has faced down death–twice–kicking the dude in black right in the keister and roaring back with flying colors, so Alex is no ordinary cat. (Nine lives? He’s had more than that already!) He’s a figther. Tough as they come. It’s just that he could use a little extra love right now, so send out those good vibes.

Alex will be having surgery in about two weeks, but he’s fine now, purring away. He’s in good spirits, and, thankfully for him, probably has no idea there’s anything wrong, other than an itchy foot!

The vet is hopeful that they’ll be able to get all of those nasty cancer cells outta there, and get Alex back in form, going bonkers on cat nip and walking around like he owns the place (which he pretty much does). So only positive vibes, please, as Alex needs all the love you can bring. Specifically, I’m asking that you pray for three things: 1) that Alex has a quick, painless, successful surgery on his shoulder and his toe, 2) that Alex has a quick, painless recovery, and 3) that Alex regains full strength, health and happiness.

If you can do that, Alex, Liz and I will be most grateful.

Thanks in advance for your love and support.

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