Writing Secrets Revealed – Alex Style

Out of all the writing and editing techniques I employ, regardless of where I sit, what time I get started or how long my sessions go, there’s one factor that sets my writing time apart from the rest:

Alex. Yep, Alex the cat.

I’ll be writing in the morning, say, about 5:30 a.m., and already Alex is meowing at me, having decided that, [i]yeah, yeah, yeah, your book blah, blah, blah … dude, give me some attention, give me some now and I don’t want to hear about you work it out, so get Out of all the writing and editing techniques I employ, regardless of where I sit, what time I get started or how long my sessions go, there’s one factor that sets my writing time apart from the rest:

Alex. Yep, Alex the cat.

I’ll be writing in the morning, say, about 5:30 a.m., and already Alex is meowing at me, having decided that, [i]yeah, yeah, yeah, your book blah, blah, blah … dude, give me some attention, give me some now and I don’t want to hear about you work it out, so get to it[/i].

So, innevitably, I stop what I’m doing, go find Alex, pick him up, and as he rests on my shoulder, he starts purring like crazy. I’ll usually sit at the desk for a few minutes with him like this, and even though I don’t get a ton done while he’s in my arms, I have to admit, it really sets me in a good mood.

There’s something about the rhythm of his purring, his warmth, that I connect with, that seems to find its way down my arms and into my fingers. Maybe it’s our connection that I relate to, that his energy becomes part of my writing, so that, in a way, it becomes [i]ours[/i].

Now, I haven’t done any scientific studies tracking the quality of my writing sessions as they pertain to his purring, and even if there isn’t any noticeable difference, in the end, I doesn’t matter. Because of all the ways I can think of to start my writing session–heck, to start anything–having Alex with me, purring away, is pretty darn great no matter how it all turns out.

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2008/02/11 18:55

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2008/02/12 09:03

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2008/02/17 08:01

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2008/02/18 18:53

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