Is Barack Obama Like Eli Manning?

Yesterday was Super Tuesday, and now that I?ve voted, I have some predictions for the Presidential Election. But before I get into that, I want to be up front about my last prediction.

About a year ago, back when Hilary and Obama weren?t really gathering too much steam either way and kind of splitting the Democratic party, I was pretty convinced?and went out on a limb saying so?that Al Gore was going to swoop in at the last minute, take the nomination in a thunderous move, and then win theYesterday was Super Tuesday, and now that I?ve voted, I have some predictions for the Presidential Election. But before I get into that, I want to be up front about my last prediction.

About a year ago, back when Hilary and Obama weren?t really gathering too much steam either way and kind of splitting the Democratic party, I was pretty convinced?and went out on a limb saying so?that Al Gore was going to swoop in at the last minute, take the nomination in a thunderous move, and then win the Presidential Election.

Well … so much for that prediction (although I do think that had he moved a little sooner, Gore could have done it).

I?m not as convinced of my next prediction as my last, but more and more I?m starting to get the feeling that the upcoming election could be very much like the Giant?s Super Bowl victory, with a young underdog team playing quick and tough with a big flourish at the end, to win it all. I think our next president will be … Barack Obama.

Here?s why.

I find it very unlikely that Mitt Romney is going to outlast John McCain. I just don?t see it. Doesn?t mean it can?t happen, but I?ll be surprised if it does. So let?s say McCain wins.

If it?s a McCain/Hilary election, I don?t think Hilary can win. They?re actually too similar ideologically?two old guards?and too many Republicans just hate her. Hate. Her. And I think that would galvanize the Republicans, and take the election.

But if it?s McCain/Obama … well … that?s something else. It would be like Nixon/Kennedy all over again. Obama?s a bad match-up for McCain. He?s young and agile, energetic. He?s fresh and new, and speaks with vigor and vitality that we haven?t seen in a long while.

Now, I?m not making a bold prediction here, and betting the farm on this scenario. But I think it could happen, and I think it?s more likely than I thought even a few weeks ago. Despite all this talk among the candidates about being agents of ?change,? I think America is actually ready for change. New leadership, a new voice.

Will Obama pull it off? I don?t know. And I don?t even know if he would be a good president. But he could very well be the Eli Manning of the 2008 election, and rise above early expectations, making the biggest plays when they matter most.

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2008/02/08 05:37

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2008/02/09 06:17

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