Rejuvenation Revelation – Feelin’ Good

Now that I?m well rested and back from Jamaica (more on the trip later), I?m back, baby. Oh, [i]man[/i], am I back.

And I have to thank Liz for our trip, because it was her idea. I immediately seconded it, naturally, but right after Thanksgiving Liz said to me, ?I need it.? Thing is, I really needed it too. It?s just that, at the time, I hadn?t quite realized just how much that was true.

In one of my more recent blogs I noted how I had had an unexpected hour or negativity, and that I hNow that I?m well rested and back from Jamaica (more on the trip later), I?m back, baby. Oh, [i]man[/i], am I back.

And I have to thank Liz for our trip, because it was her idea. I immediately seconded it, naturally, but right after Thanksgiving Liz said to me, ?I need it.? Thing is, I really needed it too. It?s just that, at the time, I hadn?t quite realized just how much that was true.

In one of my more recent blogs I noted how I had had an unexpected hour or negativity, and that I hadn?t felt like myself at all during that strange, strange hour. And yet that really wonky 60 minutes was actually very good for me. It made me realize, finally, just how much of a toll last year took on me, and that I [i]really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really [/i]needed to get out of my head?out of my life?if even for just a few days, and reset.

And now that I?m back, I?m really back. I?m rejuvenated. The Russman has returned (cue goofy [i]Oh, yeah [/i]music here).

So what do I mean? I mean that I?m re-energized. I mean that I?m looking ahead at 2008 and seeing it as a blank canvas with limitless possibilities and opportunities, rather than a year where I try to do my best given the circumstances. It means that I?m not just thinking positive again, but also with hope and enthusiasm. It means that when other people gripe I don?t join in, but either smile and nod, offer something encouraging, or walk away.

It means that I?m back to being me. Which isn?t to say that I?m in some constant state of go-for-it euphoria?I?m not?but I?m seeing possibility again when I had come to see problems. I?m seeing potential where I had come to see roadblocks. I?m over that hump of feeling like I just need to get by, back to seeing each of my days as a new chance to do something worth doing.

(Sorry if I?m sounding like a made for TV special, it?s just a relief to be feeling like my old self again).

So without rambling on any more, I?ll just say that I?m looking forward to a great 2008, and plan to have much to report along the way.

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2008/02/09 10:38

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