The Public Clipper – Yuck

Clipping fingernails and toenails is just one of those little necessary grooming rituals that we all undertake. Maybe not as often as shaving, or say, bathing, but we still need to do it now and again.

The other day I was at work, and as I walked into the men’s room I saw a guy at the sink doing a little clipping, washing his fingernail shrapnel down the drain. Clean. I suppose ideally he would have done his grooming at home, but sometimes it just turns out that we need to do a little touchClipping fingernails and toenails is just one of those little necessary grooming rituals that we all undertake. Maybe not as often as shaving, or say, bathing, but we still need to do it now and again.

The other day I was at work, and as I walked into the men’s room I saw a guy at the sink doing a little clipping, washing his fingernail shrapnel down the drain. Clean. I suppose ideally he would have done his grooming at home, but sometimes it just turns out that we need to do a little touch up. It happens. And I was thankful that this guy chose to do it over the sink, in the men’s room, where this kind of grooming is most appropriate.

What I can’t stand, what really skeeves me out, is when people clip their nails in public, like on the subway!


First of all, there’s the shrapnel issue. Clipping your little fingernail discharge onto the seats or the subway floor. Even if you’re careful, you’re gonna nail somebody (unintended pun). It’s gross. Just … yuck.

Second, it’s the noise. That little [i]plink … plink … plink.[/i] There’s just something about those little high pitched clicks that gets me. It’s another one of those fingernails on a chalkboard thing (again, another untended nail reference). It gives me the willies.

Why, oh why must people do this in public? I don’t get it. And I’m not saying that every once in a while you won’t face an emergency. Last night, for example, I accidentally scraped my hand against the wall in the subway, and had a sharp, painful right pinkie fingernail. It needed a little attention. I didn’t clip it or anything, but if I had a nail clipper with me (which I never do, for the reasons above), maybe I would have given it a quick clip just to file down the rough edge. But it would have been quick and over with, that’s even if I would have done it at all.

So I guess my point of all this is … groom yourself at home! Clipping your fingernails in public is nasty! Just like you don’t want to watch me groom myself, I don’t want to see anybody else doing it either.

I realize this isn’t the end of the world, but it’s just one of those little [i]ick [/i]things that would just make our days that much nicer if they were done in private.

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2008/01/04 05:44

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