
I finally saw Transformers the other day, and I came away with mixed feelings about it. Of course, you just have to accept its goofy premise, which was fine. I bought into it. It’s a pretty long movie–almost 2 1/2 hours–and whether by intent or not, it kinda broke up into thirds.

The first 45 minutes was really good. And surprisingly fun. The lead was good, the girl was yowsa! hot, and the humor really worked. I was into it, and having a good time.

The second 45 minutes was the turI finally saw Transformers the other day, and I came away with mixed feelings about it. Of course, you just have to accept its goofy premise, which was fine. I bought into it. It’s a pretty long movie–almost 2 1/2 hours–and whether by intent or not, it kinda broke up into thirds.

The first 45 minutes was really good. And surprisingly fun. The lead was good, the girl was yowsa! hot, and the humor really worked. I was into it, and having a good time.

The second 45 minutes was the turning point for me. Once the cars start talking–and the lead car in a James Earl Jones type voice–it was kinda like, well … uh … maybe …? And unfortunately, the pace really started to slow down.

The last 45 minutes was pretty much pure action, but too much action. It was just a total assault on the senses. Just too much. And most of the elements I liked in the first third–the humor, the chemistry between the leads–wasn’t there. They were just running around amidst the action.

So overall I give it a marginal thumbs up. First third worked really well, and then less so after that. If you want tons of bang, smash, you might dig this movie. But if you’re looking for slightly better pacing, then Transformers might not do it for you. It’s a close call.

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