Agents Update: Query Bonanza

I had myself a bit of a query bonanza over the last week. My goal was to send out another 25 query letters to agents by the end of the month. Well … over the last week alone, I sent out 38.

Most weeks don’t go this way, but I got myself on some kind of a roll and just went with it. I’ve still got a fairly long list of agents to contact, but it’s always encouraging when I have a little blast like that. I’ve got a bunch of lists, and updated lists, and updated updated lists, and I’m tryingI had myself a bit of a query bonanza over the last week. My goal was to send out another 25 query letters to agents by the end of the month. Well … over the last week alone, I sent out 38.

Most weeks don’t go this way, but I got myself on some kind of a roll and just went with it. I’ve still got a fairly long list of agents to contact, but it’s always encouraging when I have a little blast like that. I’ve got a bunch of lists, and updated lists, and updated updated lists, and I’m trying to hit them all with my revised query.

As part of this revised query blitz I’m even contacting some agents who said no to my earlier letter, hoping that they’ll be drawn to my new one. And it’s pretty unlikely that they’ll even remember my first letter, given that those batches went out months ago and they’ve probably seen hundreds, if not thousands, of letters since then.

So it’s once more into the breach my friends …

Queries away!

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