Blogger’s Blogging Blog Style

Blog. Yup. Definitely blog.

Aha. But what kind?

Blogmania kicked in a few years ago, and I admit I’ve been fairly new to the game, but once I started blogging, well … now I’m a blogger too.

But to say that you blog can mean so many things. What do you actually blog about? It is simultaneously a simple and difficult question to answer. The reason is that a blog means different things to different bloggers. Some just treat it like an online journal–"You’ll never guess what SBlog. Yup. Definitely blog.

Aha. But what kind?

Blogmania kicked in a few years ago, and I admit I’ve been fairly new to the game, but once I started blogging, well … now I’m a blogger too.

But to say that you blog can mean so many things. What do you actually blog about? It is simultaneously a simple and difficult question to answer. The reason is that a blog means different things to different bloggers. Some just treat it like an online journal–"You’ll never guess what Sarah said to me yesterday! Uch. Loser!"

Some bloggers treat their blogging with a bit more whimsy–I ran into a guy on the street yesterday, who said, "MAN I hate chicken," and then walked away.

And then there’s bloggers who blog with a bit more reflection, discussing some of the big and small events in their lives and how they feel about them, and what that might mean going forward.

But then there’s bloggers who really go at it, about business and finance and politics and world affairs calling for revolution and impeachments. And on and on.

And there’s sports blogs and movie blogs and motorcycling blogs and blogs about blogging!!


So I’ve been thinking lately about what kind of blog I should be blogging, and the answer I’ve come up with is this: I’m still not completely sure. It’s a work in progress. My intent from the very beginning was to blog about my adventures as a writer. What I’m writing about, building this web site, trying to land an agent, trying to get published. About being a writer.

And I’ve been doing that.

But I’ve also been blogging about some personal stuff, like when my wife went into the hospital for heart surgery, and also some more goofy stuff, like how much fun it was to see Rocky Balboa!

Which brings me back to the original question: what kind of blogger do I want to be?

The answer is: all of the above. My blogging style will simply define itself by the blogs I write. There have been occasions when I’ve blogged, looked at it, and then deleted it, because I felt the tone wasn’t right or I was off the mark in such a way that it was a bit of a mess. That’s how a lot of my writing goes. I think I should write about something in particular, but then I get lost along the way.

I’ve also blogged and then looked at it, and realized that it was missing some nuance, that the point I intended to make, or the way I intended to make it fell flat, and I’ve gone back and revised it. Not because I was trying to hide anything, but because I felt that it would take more effort and explanation to clarify in a new blog what I meant in a previous blog than it would to just go back and revise or expand it.

There have also been little things that happened to me–funny little stories–but I chose not to blog about them because I didn’t feel that they were worth the effort of blogging, even though they were somewhat amusing.

And then there are thoughts or events or ideas that I think–hey, now THIS would make a great blog–but I want to keep it just for me. Maybe it’s too personal, or maybe it involves someone else, and it’s not my place to tell their story or reveal their thoughts and feelings. Or maybe I’ve got something in my head that so juicy I want to use it in a short story or a novel or … [i]somewhere,[/i] [i]eventually,[/i] … but I haven’t figured out where.

While I continue to refine my blogging style and evolve as a blogger … I keep refining my style and evolving as a blogger. It’s always in flux. I don’t have to commit to any one style or box myself in with certain rules. But then, I do feel it’s important to be responsible too, to not just use this online venue to rant and rave about just anything in any way.

But mostly, blogging is a great outlet, a way to connect with you guys … and it’s a lot of fun. So I’m going to keep on blogging, and let someone else worry about what kind of blog this [i]ought[/i] to be. I’ll just let it be whatever it is.

Post edited by: rcolchamiro, at: 2007/02/17 09:41

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