Is Finders Keepers ThisClose to Landing a Deal?

As any writer will tell you, waiting to get the nod is one, if the not, the most exasperating element of the process. You wait and wait and wait to hear if you’re getting a deal. But that’s just part of it. You know this going in, and you figure that, if I just hang in there long enough, my time will come. And it will. And maybe soon.

The world is filled with best-selling authors who got rejected across the board at the beginning, only to come roaring back with a vengeance. It’s the ones tAs any writer will tell you, waiting to get the nod is one, if the not, the most exasperating element of the process. You wait and wait and wait to hear if you’re getting a deal. But that’s just part of it. You know this going in, and you figure that, if I just hang in there long enough, my time will come. And it will. And maybe soon.

The world is filled with best-selling authors who got rejected across the board at the beginning, only to come roaring back with a vengeance. It’s the ones that stick with it after setbacks that wind up taking the world by storm.

So on that track, here’s the latest from the publishers regarding [i]Finders Keepers[/i]. And the quality of the news all depends on how you look at it. Here’s a response from a pretty big publisher, as passed along to me by my agent:

[i]Thanks so much for your exceptional patience while I took a look at FINDERS KEEPERS. You’re right that it’s in the vein of HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE and it’s quite enjoyable in the same way. Colchamiro effectively creates a world apart and his writing is effervescent. Unfortunately … I have to pass on this, with regret, and with the hope that you find the perfect home for it.[/i]

Well … it’s certainly a flattering endorsement, even though they didn’t buy it. So either Finders Keepers is [i]thisclose[/i] to landing a deal … or the gods just love to torture me!

Maybe both.

Still, it’s encouraging to know that the buzz is circulating and I’m building momentum. It’s just a matter of time before [i]Finders Keepers[/i] hits.

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