I’ve gotta say, I’m busier than ever these days, and it’s really cutting into my TV time! I realize there are worse things to experience, but at the moment, I’m having trouble thinking of them.
OK, maybe that’s a little overstating things, but I just don’t have the same amount of time I used to for just sitting on the couch and watching TV. But the bigger part of this, aside from how much TV I time I do or don’t have, is just the lack of time I have to do [i]anything[/i].
I’m workingI’ve gotta say, I’m busier than ever these days, and it’s really cutting into my TV time! I realize there are worse things to experience, but at the moment, I’m having trouble thinking of them.
OK, maybe that’s a little overstating things, but I just don’t have the same amount of time I used to for just sitting on the couch and watching TV. But the bigger part of this, aside from how much TV I time I do or don’t have, is just the lack of time I have to do [i]anything[/i].
I’m working longer hours than I used to, and when I’m home, I’m so tired, I barely have the energy to just pick up around the house. The mail piles up longer than it did just 6 months ago, the laundry piles up, and it’s tougher to see friends and family.
On the immediate, I notice this lack of time because not only don’t I have time to watch what new shows will debut this season, I don’t even know what shows are debuting. I’m losing my touch. I’m sure I’ll figure it out, but more and more I find I need to schedule almost every minute of my day–including time to do absolutely nothing–to feel like I’m living a little bit. I feel like I have so little down time, time just to dream, to let my mind wander.
Or maybe I’m just a TV junkie with a habit I can no longer satisfy!
On second thought, let’s chalk it up to me being far too busy.