Publishers Update: New Players Emerge

So here’s the latest on the publishing front with [i]Finders Keepers[/i].

Through two different connections I’ve made over the last few months, I now have two new publishers in play who have both requested to read [i]Finders Keepers[/i]. Naturally, I’m pretty excited about that, as the more publishers who are interested in my book, the better.

And once everybody is back from the Labor Day weekend, the publishing world–like most other industries–will be back in action, so I’m hoping So here’s the latest on the publishing front with [i]Finders Keepers[/i].

Through two different connections I’ve made over the last few months, I now have two new publishers in play who have both requested to read [i]Finders Keepers[/i]. Naturally, I’m pretty excited about that, as the more publishers who are interested in my book, the better.

And once everybody is back from the Labor Day weekend, the publishing world–like most other industries–will be back in action, so I’m hoping to get some killer feedback soon. Meaning … sign me already! It’s time for a book deal!

I know, I know, be patient, be patient.

Trying to break into any creative field is tough, as there’s so much competition and so many variables that I can’t control. And who likes to feel as if they’re not in control? LOL!!!!

Still, my book is written and my agent and I are pounding the pavement to get my book in front of as many publishing eyes as possible, so it’s only a matter of time at this point. It’s not a matter of if Finders Keepers gets a publishing deal, it’s a matter of when.

Naturally, I’d prefer when to be [i]NOW![/i] But I’m patient … I’m really and truly … p-p-p …. (deep breath, deep breath) patient.

As always, I’ll keep you posted.

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