My Latest Vision Debacle

So I’m on my way to the subway yesterday morning, it’s gorgeous out, and I’m fiddling with my glasses. They’re not quite fitting me right, for whatever reason, and I’m trying to adjust them. One arm is too high, the other is too low. And then it happened.

The right arm broke clean off.


I was late for a dentist appointment, so I headed along with my broken glasses, just hoping that I still had a spare someplace at home. Turns out they were in a bunch of junk at the bottom So I’m on my way to the subway yesterday morning, it’s gorgeous out, and I’m fiddling with my glasses. They’re not quite fitting me right, for whatever reason, and I’m trying to adjust them. One arm is too high, the other is too low. And then it happened.

The right arm broke clean off.


I was late for a dentist appointment, so I headed along with my broken glasses, just hoping that I still had a spare someplace at home. Turns out they were in a bunch of junk at the bottom of closet–where else would my spare glasses be?–but at least I have them. Of course, the prescription is just a little weaker than my regular glasses, so I’ve got that to contend with as well.

And I know it falls under the category of just one of those things, but it’s such a pain in the you know what to deal with. Either I try to get my glasses fixed, or I buy a whole new pair. But if I do that, I also need to get a new eye exam, because it’s possible my vision is slightly worse than it was, and it wouldn’t be just dandy if I pay $400 for new glasses only to find I have the wrong prescription?

Still not sure which way I’m headed. I’ve been wanting to get new glasses for a while now–I’ve had the same pair for about 6 years–so maybe this is a sign. Who knows? Anyway, just another one of those things that keeps the days and nights from getting–and in focus.

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