I’ve Never Tried …

Certainly there are more places in the world than one person could ever visit in a lifetime, and more activities than you could ever get to. But there are certain things that are accepted as being a fairly regular part of everyday life, experiences that are common to many, if not most, people.

For example, do you know anybody (from the U.S.) who’s never had a slice of pizza? Me neither. But if someone said that they never did, I think it’s fair to say you’d think that’s pretty friggin’ wieCertainly there are more places in the world than one person could ever visit in a lifetime, and more activities than you could ever get to. But there are certain things that are accepted as being a fairly regular part of everyday life, experiences that are common to many, if not most, people.

For example, do you know anybody (from the U.S.) who’s never had a slice of pizza? Me neither. But if someone said that they never did, I think it’s fair to say you’d think that’s pretty friggin’ wierd. I know I would.

Well, here’s my list of things that I’ve never tried. I’ve never:

* Had a cup of coffee

… I took a sip once when I was 10. Hated it. Never tried again. Never will. Ever.

* Eaten a White Castle hamburger

… When I was around 20, I realized that I’d never tried one, and then it started to become a thing with me. People always thought it was so wierd that I never had one. Now it’s like a badge of honor. I’ll go to my grave without ever having eaten White Castle. Just because.

* Been to a strip club

… paying a lot of money to see skanky hos with fake boobs surrouned by a swarm of horny guys who you know are just dying to pull out their johnsons and let the missles fly. Uhh … pass.

And then there are things I’d like to enjoy, but just don’t.

Most people who eat strawberries love them. I mean LOOOOOOOVE them. I’d like to be one of those people, but I’m not. I just don’t like them. I want to, but I don’t. My wife thinks it’s funny that I think this way, but (to me, at least) it makes total sense. Why wouldn’t I want to like something that so many people love? Wouldn’t wouldn’t I want to have that sort of pleasurable experience too?

And then ditto about wine. I just don’t like it. Can’t drink it. I’ve never been able to get more than a sip or two down my gullet. I’d like to like wine. People seem to get so into it. I feel like I’m missing out.

Oh well.

So what’s on your list?

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